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The garage safety chat every family should have this summer

Christmas is over, New Years has been celebrated and we are now able to enjoy the peak summer period. The holidays are in full swing!

With the days longer and warmer, the kids are excited to be able to play all day every day. . However, with more time spent playing indoors and out, the risk of slips, falls and accidents around the home increases.

The Starship Foundation, the leading provider of paediatric health care in New Zealand and the South Pacific, calls for us to be safety conscious, especially throughout the summer holidays when accidents spike.

According to Safekids, 852 in every 100,000 New Zealand children are hospitalised due to unintentional injuries.

The risk of injuries during the summer holidays can be prevented however, by having a five-minute chat with your family, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to safety – whether it be at the family home or at a friend’s house.

Here are some easy safety conversation starters to help ensure your family’s safety around the garage and home these school holidays.

The five-minute safety chat

It’s important to have constant refresher chats with the family to ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to safety around the garage.

Here are three important points to consider.

  • Never run under the garage when it’s closing. While Merlin garage door openers are fitted with safety beams that auto-reverse when an object is detected, this may not be the case at a friends house or at the local shopping centre, so it is important the kids understand that not all garage door openers have this safety feature.
  • The garage door remote is not a toy. We all know how much kids love buttons! It is important however, that the little ones understand the purpose of your garage door opener and that keeping your garage door closed is crucial for the security of your home and the contents of your garage.
  • Stay clear of the door when going up or down. A moving garage door usually means one thing – an incoming car! Letting your kids know to steer clear of the garage door when it’s moving will keep them aware, further ensuring their safety.

When it comes to garage safety, Merlin leads the way

As garage doors modernise and are continually developed safer with innovative safety technology, it is still a fact that not all garage doors are made equal. Merlin’s systems are fitted with safety features that will reliably stop closing doors when there is an obstruction.

At Merlin, we put safety first. Our Protector System (Safety IR Beams) reliably stops opening and closing when the beam is obstructed or broken. This feature can prevent injury to your vehicle, to your pet, and most importantly, yourself or your children.

Merlin’s myQ App also allows you to have remote control of your garage door. Open and close the door when you know it is safe, taking this danger out of the hands of your young kids.

You can also opt-in to receive notifications of when the garage door is opened. By always knowing when your garage door is in use, you can keep a closer eye on garage door safety!

Be driveway aware!

Starship Foundation research shows that driveways can be a potentially very dangerous environment for your children.

The foundation recommends the following in order to keep your children safe at home:

  • Before you get in, always walk around the car and check for children.
  • Separate play areas from driveways with fencing and gates.
  • Supervise children whenever cars are moving.
  • Read more about the Starship Foundation’s tips at their infographic, here.

Enjoy the school holidays knowing your family is safe and secure

By having a five-minute safety chat with your kids this summer, you can start to ensure that they too will look out for their own safety. We all need just as much a refresher as our kids do sometimes when it comes to garage safety. It is important to also speak with friends and family who may supervise your children, and to remember these garage-safety tips when having kids over at your house.

The more aware we are, the more we can enjoy these school holidays safely!

For more information about Merlin’s or to browse our range of garage door openers and accessories, visit our  website or call 0800 653 667.